Passion for Skill

Via Alyssa Fronda
3 min readJan 31, 2021


“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you” ~ Maya Angelou

Credits to Nickz Horacio

Have you ever experienced a plunge into the roots of your sub-consciousness when asked about the things you are good at? Because admit it or not, you’re unaware if those are your so-called skills, unless other people acknowledge you. Hence, how will you know if you have the “potential,” if that talent and skills are the crucial requirements in your career, which is the field of journalism?

Credits to Graysheil Frae Runes

Unlike most of my batch mates, I don’t have a background in news writing or field reporting exposure. I didn’t try applying for the school paper because I don’t think I have what it takes. It’s too complicated and technical for someone like me. In fact, this course was not my first choice because I was a former architecture student. At that time, I thought my skills were more on drawings and design, but I can’t withhold myself that even though I’m capable, I knew I’m restless to choose the course out of practicality.

Credits to Jowen De Vera

Back in high school, I received a lot of commendations regarding my acting skills in role-play activities. I also get excited when our teacher gives us projects such as writing stories, poetry, or producing short films, and theater plays. I didn’t notice that the fiery sensation inside can be perceived as skills; I always thought that it was only a short-term feeling of enthusiasm. Also, my parents were doubtful if this passion of mine can sustain my life for the future. This is why I chose to enter the field of Architecture even though my desire for writing creative stories will remain untold.

Carpe Diem─ the expression used by poet Horace to the idea that one should enjoy life as long as one can.

After a year in architecture, hundreds of writings brimmed and kept inside my journals, which consisted of frustration and stress encountered from my undesirable course. I have realized that this was a waste of time, and everything was falling apart because I’m starting to lose myself. Thus, I made the most significant decision of my life to unveil my passion. To choose the field that is worth fighting for even on the verge of trials.

Credits to Nickz Horacio

As a response to my journalism skills, I guess the best attribute that I could offer is my passion. Creating stories effectively and propagates the message prioritizing the truth that everyone needs to be aware of. By all means, I am still open to enhancing my skills in this field through agendas and training purposely made for our development.



Via Alyssa Fronda

“Passionate and mischievous author of Multimedia Literature, that unfold stories of beleaguers.”